Use of Force
U.S.N.S.T.A. Response Continuum Manual
This manual is designed to provide a foundation of policy and training for the use of force. Therefore, we have further expanded our focus not only on the physical aspects of use of force, but the tools available to officers and military professionals to deescalate situations. Our expert focus is based on the minimum amount of force necessary to preserve the safety of our nation’s citizens, while maintaining the safety of first responders. The U.S.N.S.T.A does not condone any technique that causes airway obstruction, endangers someone in custody, or violates federal, state and local laws. Our focus remains on de-escalation, compliance of the subject, and encourages a team approach. Furthermore, our credentialing process is shaped to meet the needs of the Presidents June 16, 2020 Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities. As preserving life and liberty is our number one priority, we ensure that all instructors enforce the “all-involved” approach of immediately intervening anytime a first responder may violate policy. Finally, we ensure that all of our credentialing and training programs comply with accepted use of force policies and adhere to federal, state, and local laws.